About this volunteer

Local organiser
Local organiser
Northern Ireland

Hi, my name is Ryan and I have been in the Civil Service since 2013. In my day job I work in taxes, but I’m also progressing through our graduate scheme. Since 2017, I have been involved in our PRISM LGBT+ network, being a local rep since 2019 before becoming vice chair in 2022 and acting chair in 2023. During that time, I have worked heavily in events and comms for the network, helping to diversify our offerings and moving Pride online in 2020.

For a number of years now I have been working in Northern Ireland to build cross-government network support with our colleagues in NICS LGBT+ network and to help expand our offering to the community.

Outside of work, I love all things gardening and travelling. At home if I’m not found in the greenhouse, I will be planning a project. I love to travel and see as many places as possible, this leads to very tiring holidays, touring and walking.

If you want to chat, please feel free to get in touch.