Pride 2025 -- Applications Open
Pride applications are open, our offering may grow as other events are confirmed and rep availability is secured. Register today!
Registrations Are Open
Registrations for our pride offering for Pride 2025 are open! With LGBT+ History Month over our attention turns to Pride. We are parading and attending more locations that in previous years, we do hope that you support us at Pride 2025. For details of the offering please check out the page - Pride 2025.
Please spread the word and make this year more successful than ever. Parading as one Civil Service is amazing, creating unity, a sense of belonging and security for our groups is brilliant and we look forward to seeing you at a parade, or parades, this year.
Our registrations have changed a little this year, requesting a registration form per pride, this has been done following a period of reflection on feedback from 2024. We are hoping that this will reduce the number of no shows at prides as people will sign up to what they are hoping to come to.
If you register for a pride and can no longer make it, please do reach out to your Local Organiser for the region and let them know, this is really helpful for managing numbers, health and safety on the day.
Additional Parades
There are a small number of parades that the Network are intending to attend, these have not been published on the website yet as dates are yet to be confirmed.
Change in Dates
The pride parades are on the website where we know, or have best estimate of, the date. In the unfortunate event that a date changes the website will be updated and Local Organisers will reach out to those that have registered.
Balloted Prides
This year there are 2 balloted prides, Manchester and London. Numbers are restricted by the organisations but we are doing our best to maximise numbers so that we have as big a presence as possible. Whilst ballots are not universally popular, they remain the fairest way to allocate slots. The ballots are randomly allocated for both parades.
Once the ballot is drawn the Local Organiser fronting that parade will be in touch to confirm attendance, if attendance is not reconfirmed this place will be offered to someone on the reserve list. Local Organisers will do their upmost to ensure that parade entries are full. It is highly likely there will be a number of no shows, you Local Organiser may inform you to meet at a certain point to chance grabbing one of those slots.
The ballots will take place on;
- London Pride - 15 May 2025
- Manchester Pride - 9 July 2025
Final Registration Deadlines
Final registration deadlines are the Wednesday the week before the parade is due to take place, this is to allow the Pride team to ensure the correct t-shirts are with the correct people. If you would like to attend still please do send an email to the Local Organiser and ask for details or the central pride team at
The Civil Service LGBT+ Network will be supplying their fetching pink t-shirts again, these are the same colour and design as last year. If you have a t-shirt from previous years please do reuse this. With our new sign up process if the parade you are planning on attending is not the first one you are this season then please retain your t-shirt and reuse it. This helps with both sustainability of the Network and its finances.
Some parades do not allow certain items, anything that we are aware of will be communicated from your Local Organisers. For instance, London does not allow stickers, others want to ensure that there is no , or less, single use plastic.
It is always worth remembering that whilst you are in your Civil Service t-shirt, at muster points, on the parade, post parade etc, you are representing the Civil Service LGBT+ Network and that the Civil Service Code applies. Your Local Organiser are there to ensure things are well organised and that we can parade in the event you are at and in future events. Parading with the Civil Service LGBT+ Network can occasionally look a little different from parading with, say, a big corporate company. Any rules that the Network or Local Organisers ask you to follow are for the safety and security of you, as Civil Servants and the Network. Please do follow direction from the Local Organisers.