Save the date: Civil Service LGBT+ conference
The career development and workplace inclusion conference for LGBT+ civil servants

As we previously set out, we are hosting a conference for LGBT+ civil servants this year on workplace inclusion and career development.
We are pleased to announce that we have now secured a date and a venue to host the in-person aspect of the conference.
It will be taking place on:
Thursday 6th October
The event will be held in-person at:
BEIS Conference Centre, 1 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0ET.
Timings, agenda, and logistics to be confirmed in due course.
Registration will open next month so please keep an eye out for the form. If required, we recommend speaking to your line manager about it now and putting a scheduler in your calendar for the day.
There will also be access digitally across two days (6th and 7th October) so don’t worry if you can’t attend in-person on the day.
We’ve been busy behind the scenes planning for the past few months, so look forward to sharing more details with you shortly.
Interested in speaking at the conference, facilitating a session, or just helping out? Drop us an email to let us know where you can support.