Introducing our new resources for allies
Want to be a good ally to your LGBT+ colleagues? We’ve produced and collated a range of resources to help you.
To mark the end of Pride Month, in which the theme was allyship, the Civil Service LGBT+ Network, in partnership with the Cabinet Office is pleased to launch our resources for allies.
How can I use the resources?
These resources are designed to help you understand what being an ally is and resources to help. This involves guidance around terminology, why we need allies in the workplace and what allies can do to support. You can help by sharing these resources with your colleagues and networks.
How can I use the resources?
You may like to:
- send the resources around your team or directorate, including a link to this page
- create space to discuss these resources at a team-meeting, away-day or in other relevant meetings
- set up a allies training session
- use it as an opportunity to engage with your HR Diversity and Inclusion Team, LGBT+ staff network, or senior LGBT+ Champion on how to create an allies network within your department (if your department doesn’t already have one).
- print out some copies of the resources to leave in the communal areas of your workplace
Why do we need resources for LGBT+ allies?
Being an LGBT+ ally is about being an active supporter of LGBT+ people in the workplace and creating an inclusive environment where people feel able to bring their whole selves to work. Good allies recognise that LGBT+ people can perform better if they can be themselves and allies use their role within an organisation to create a culture where this can happen.
These resources are designed to help non LGBT+ Civil Servants support their LGBT+ colleagues.