Why do we need Pride?
Prides are empowering. They are events about human rights and empowering LGBT+ individuals to reclaim the rights and freedoms they are denied, and the public space they are often excluded from.

Why do we need Pride?
June is Pride, the month chosen to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall riots. As a result, many pride events are held during this month to recognize the impact LGBT people have had in the world. A momentous time to reflect on and celebrate every part of the LGBT+ community.
Pride is significantly important, as it is a special occasion for us to remember our queer history, continue to raise awareness of LGBT+ issues and campaign for the freedoms that will allow all in our community to live their lives on a genuinely equal footing.
Pride is a beautiful celebration for all LGBT+ people to proclaim and embrace their identities, with the ability to freely express their most authentic self without any judgement. Pride includes people of every race and faith, whether disabled or able- bodied, and all sexualities and genders as well as straight and cis allies.
Fears over a rise in homophobia make Pride important. For that one month in a year, we take over with our friends and allies, and say loudly and proudly that we exist and that we are entitled to and deserve respect, dignity, and equal rights.
With the untimely arrival of Covid-19, the Civil Service LGBT+ network have worked hard to move Pride online, to accommodate the lockdown rules and support social distancing. Our network continues to provide a platform for every part of the LGBT+ community. Thereby, we are delighted to host…PrideON.
An exciting series of digital events and content, which recreate all the fabulous things that Pride offers. Project managed and supported by a team of committed volunteers, who have enlisted their free time, they have aspired to ensure that all LGBT+ Civil Servants and allies can safely celebrate our community and continue to voice for our place in society. Our group of volunteers are passionate about equality and diversity.
Prides are empowering. They are events about human rights and empowering LGBT+ individuals to reclaim the rights and freedoms they are denied, and the public space they are often excluded from.
Pride will forever remain a historical landmark event to give our LGBT+ people a platform to be visible and speak loudly to the rest of the country about what we have achieved, how far we have come and what is still needed.