Mentor matching is complete
More than 1,000 mentoring matches have now been made.

The Civil Service LGBT+ mentoring programme is the award-winning, cross-government development programme exclusively for LGBT+ staff.
Registrations for the second round of the programme closed on 27 June 2022.
Matching has now taken place
371 mentors and 610 mentees registered for this year’s programme across 92 separate organisations.
Over 1,000 speed mentoring matches have now been made for those who registered, using new software developed exclusively for this programme.
Your matches have been emailed to you
If you registered before the deadline, your matches will have been emailed to you on the evening of 1 July 2022.
If you didn’t receive an email, in the first instance, check your junk mailbox to see if the message was flagged as spam.
If you still can’t find your matches, please email us and we will confirm your matches separately.
Some people didn’t get matches
Of the 981 people registered, only 5 people couldn’t be matched to a mentor or mentee; 2 mentors and 3 mentees.
We will contact any mentees who did not get a match separately to confirm alternative arrangements.
Start your speed mentoring
Mentors and mentees should now follow the guidance published on our website, and undertake their speed mentoring. Additional follow up information will be provided by email in due course.