Civil Service Pride season starts now
It's June; the anniversary of the Stonewall riots and the start of the Civil Service's Pride season.

50 years ago this month, a riot at a bar in New York — the Stonewall Inn — sparked a LGBT rights movement, and kickstarted annual pride protests around the world. This year, we’re once again taking part in pride events across the UK — and celebrating this important milestone.
Take part in Prides across the UK
We’ve secured funding to take part in 6 pride events across the UK, organised by us at the Civil Service LGBT+ Network. They are:
- Edinburgh: 22 June 2019
- London: 6 July 2019 (Currently full)
- Newcastle: 20 July
- Belfast: 3 August 2019
- Cardiff: 24 August 2019 2019
- Preston: 28 September 2019
Some departmental networks are also organising attendance at other pride events, including:
- Liverpool: 27 July 2019
You can register to attend these events by completing our registration form. All events, except Pride in London, still have spaces and registrations are open until 2 weeks prior to each event.
If you’re organising a walking group at a Pride event, and it isn’t listed above, please contact us and we’ll be happy to add it to our website.
T-shirts, banners and placards
If you are joining us at one of the events listed above, we will be able to provide you with a Civil Service Pride t-shirt, free of charge. We will email you to ask for your size and your address around 2 weeks before the event.
We will also be able to loan banners and placards to you if you’re organising a walking group at these locations or elsewhere. Just get in touch.
An inclusive place to work
For Pride this year, we’re reminding everyone why the Civil Service is an inclusive place to work.
Share your story
This Pride season, we want you to share your story. Write a blog post for us, and tell us what an inclusive Civil Service looks like to you.
Send your blog post and a picture of yourself to us at We’ll post as many as we can over the next few weeks.
You can show your #CivilServicePride on social media too.
Share your pictures from Pride events, and tell us why the Civil Service is an inclusive place to work.
Follow us on Twitter @cslgbt, on Facebook and on Instagram @civilservicelgbt.
Download our Pride posters
We’ve created a series of posters for this year’s Pride season.
Visit our publications page to download them.
Keep up to date
You can keep up to date with all the latest news and information about Pride 2019 on our dedicated Pride page: