Say “hello” to the Civil Service LGBT+ Network
We've changed our name. The Civil Service Rainbow Alliance is now the Civil Service LGBT+ Network.

Today, we’re changing our name to become the Civil Service LGBT+ Network. This blog post tells you a little about why we’re doing that, and what it means in practice.
Things have changed
The Civil Service Rainbow Alliance is now more than a decade old. In that time we have helped to raise the visibility of staff with minority sexual orientations and gender identities.
The contexts in which LGBT+ civil servants work now, though, are radically different from just a decade ago when CSRA was in its infancy. The law is substantially different now, the workplace has changed too, and the challenges facing LGBT+ civil servants are new.
We want to ensure that this network is relevant for the next 10 years and beyond, so we’ve been thinking about what comes next for CSRA. We’ve launched a consultation, which you can feedback on, and we’re changing our name too as a first step.
A name that reflects our ambitions
We want to be a network that is accessible to everyone: and we wanted a name that reflected that.
We wanted it to be easy for people to understand and identify with. Our new name — which includes the term ‘LGBT’ — makes who we are obvious and explicit.
We also wanted our name to demonstrate that this network is for everyone with a minority sexual orientation, gender identity or sex characteristics: which is why we’ve added a ‘plus’ to our name.
Where you can find us
Our new name comes with some new branding, but more importantly, we’ve changed where you can find us.
We’ve got a new website and a new web address. You can now find us at There, you’ll be able to find all our news and events as usual.
Our social media handles have changed. You can now find us on:
- Twitter where our handle is now @cslgbt
- Facebook where our Facebook Page is now at
- Instagram where our handle is @civilservicelgbt
- Flickr where we’ve changed to civilservicelgbt too
Our email addresses have changed too. You can now reach us at, and any other email addresses we use now end in
What’s next
You’ll start to see all our branding and related things change over the next week or so. We’ll make it obvious where things are changing, so you don’t get lost.